Our Mission is:

The Pursuit of Passion

We are a group of passionate creative professionals on a mission towards creative freedom and professional growth. We understand the positive impact a supportive creative environment and community can have on one's creative journey. If this sounds exciting to you, please come join us.

A Creative Space We've worked hard to create a space to enjoy being creative... and make money doing it.
Mentorships & Support Pay to learn?! Dont make us laugh! As creatives we like trying new things. We also teach others around us, no extra charge.
Collaborate with us Our shop is meant to be open to other creatives and their ideas. Join our discord below or stop by and hangout with us.
  • A Creative Space We've worked hard to create a space to enjoy being creative... and make money doing it.
  • Mentorships & Support Pay to learn?! Dont make us laugh! As creatives we like trying new things. We also teach others around us, no extra charge.
  • Collaborate with us Our shop is meant to be open to other creatives and their ideas. Join our discord below or stop by and hangout with us.

Join our discord Server

Hangout with us virtually

Our Project Moonlight Discord is a digital space for anyone to come hangout, meet the team, collaborate, share resources, join or host workshops, get creative advice, or just work in silence with others. All are welcome.